— Cisco, Dell Technologies, ImageWare, NetWatcher, Route1, GTX Dell Technologies (NYSE: DVMT), ImageWare Systems (OTCQB: IWSY); Route1 (TSX VENTURE: ROI), GTX Corp (OTC PINK: GTXO) THANK YOU FOR JOINING US “IN THE BOARDROOM” Marc Blackmer, Product Marketing Manager, Industry Solutions, Security Business Group, Cisco Mr. Ken Mills, Chief Technology Officer Surveillance and Security, Dell Technologies Jim Miller, Chairman and CEO, ImageWare Systems Tony Busseri, Route1, CEO Scott B. Suhy, CEO, NetWatcher And… From The Newsroom… GTX Corp Expands Distribution in Mexico GTX Corp, an IoT platform in the personal location GPS wearable and wandering assistive technology business, announced the commercial launch of the GPS SmartSole with C&R Care Solutions, a privately owned company headquartered in Mexico City which sells and supports GPS-based tracking solutions throughout the country of Mexico. Please join Patrick Bertagna, GTX CEO, Founder, Chairman “In The Boardroom” here or here: http://www.securitysolutionswatch.com/Interviews/in_Boardroom_GTX_Bertanga.html ***** IN THE BOARDROOM WITH… Cisco […]
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