GTX Corp’s Busy Month Highlighted By Clinical Validation, New Product Launch and Uplist Plans
Monday, 02 July 2018 11:00 (EST) According to the World Health Organization, the number of people affected by dementia—an umbrella term covering neurodegenerative diseases and conditions such as Alzheimer’s and frontotemporal disorders—will triple over the next three decades from about 50 million currently to 152 million. Unfortunately, there is an often-overlooked problem associated with dementia: wandering, a problematic and dangerous situation for caregivers and loved ones. While many biotechs and pharmas work on developing new drugs for treating dementia, there is no drug they can concoct to stop a patient from wandering off and losing their way. Fortunately, GTX Corp (GTXO[OTO] – $0.0013 0.0003 (18.75%) ) has a clinical proven innovative solution to not only keep track of the patient, but also predict when wandering may happen so it can be addressed early. A successfully completed mid-stage clinical study is just one piece of news that this little company has announced in what turned out to be an […]