Equities.com- GTX Corp Introduces New Flexible Purchase Options for Its Wearable GPS SmartSole Tracker
GTX Corp. (GTXO), a pioneer in smart, mobile and wearable GPS tracking and recovery location-based products, has expanded its purchase options for its flagship wearable GPS SmartSole tracker. The new flexible options, available exclusively through GTX’s website, provide customers with greater flexibility than ever before and should expand consumer market penetration of the GPS SmartSole. Complementing the company’s existing Premium offering, GTX has introduced two new pricing plans: The new pricing options offer several alternatives for consumers, caregivers and small businesses that may be seeking lower upfront costs or different service plan payment options. It is important to note that the Economy Service does not include Geozone alerts, which are perimeter alerts that are triggered when the wearer of the GPS SmartSole crosses into or outside a zone defined by the customer. The Easy Start Bundle and Economy Service packages are currently offered only through GTX’s website, while the Premium Package will continue […]